Hello Sir,
I came across you blog http://kerala-architects.blogspot.com/ while searching in the net for the current labor contract rates in Thiruvananthapuram. We are planning on renovating our home. The plan was prepared by a qualified engineer but due to some personal issues on the engineer's part he could not take the work. So we decided on giving the project to another person based on labor contract. The square foot rate he has given us seems a bit unreasonable. The property is in Vellayambalam Thiruvananthapuram and the rate given to us is Rs. 300 per square foot. When I enquired around I came to know that this is indeed really unreasonable. Could you please give me a fair idea about the current labor rates per square foot in Thiruvananthapuram? Hope to get a reply soon.
Thanks and Regards,
My reply
People are obsessed with square feet rate! Even for remodeling and renovation work ,square feet rate contractor comes!
First of all you have to understand that every non professional contractor who take up work on square feet rate for labour contract tries to do the work with as little labour content as possible.Even when there is a qualified experienced Engineer to supervise the work he will try to save labour cost even at the cost of quality of work.When there is no professional involved contractor will try to teach you that the way he does the work is the best method and procedure.
Best option especially for a remodeling renovation work is to fix unit rates for each item of work to be done in consultation with an expert.
In your case I can visit Trivandrum site, study work involved and suggest on work to be done, check Vasthu compliance and fix up labour rates for each item if the contractor is willing to co operate.If contractor is not a reasonable person,he will not do anything even if I tell him that his square feet rate is high