I came to know about you from your website and I am very happy to read all your article about House and Vasthu.My plot is located in Ernakulum, Vazhakkala. I am planning to make a home in my plot. I have a plan with me. I am sending it with this email. I am also sending a sketch of my plot. The total sq.ft. is coming more than 3000 including the car porch. I want it to be reduced to come below 3000.
Hope that you will revert me soon.
My reply
Plan sent by you has got both Architectural and Vasthu defects
As plan of the house is the most critical drawing which can make you gain or lose lakhs of rupees, it is very important that you get the best plan for the house and not any plan available from anywhere
First step in construction of house is preparation of Basic Plan of the house
Site visit before preparing plan will be better though plan can be prepared if you can give complete measurements of all four sides of plot, directions of each side and positions of roads near plot.
Basic Plan of the house will show positions and dimensions of rooms, other living spaces, doors and windows
We will be preparing this Basic Plan in AutoCAD software and you will get a pdf copy by email within a week of site visit.
Based on mutual discussions this plan prepared can be revised and reviewed and changes accepted by our experts can be incorporated in the plan, without any extra charges
This is the most important document for a house construction. A well-designed plan by a qualified professional with good experience in designing and building houses can give you better facilities, appearance and lesser cost of construction.
Basic Plan for the house will be prepared after site visit,taking into account following:
1. Information provided by you on your needs, desires and hopes for the house.
2. Vasthu aspects
3. Traditional Kerala Architecture features
4. Modern architecture features
5. Structural engineering aspects to reduce cost of construction
6. Kerala Building Rules
7. Features of site and surroundings
I require detailed write up from you on what all you require in the house including your dreams for the house.
Our technical knowledge in the fields of Architecture, Structural Engineering and Vasthu will be used while designing your house.
Once the plan is finalised,we will prepare an Engineering Estimate giving item wise detailed cost information .This calculated Estimate is the near correct costing you can get for house to be built and it can be prepared only after finalisation of the plan. If you have any budget limitations, if such information is provided in advance design of the house can be suitably modified to reach near your budgetary cost.
Dear Sir,
I am a Malayalee staying in Malaysia.
I intend to renovate my single floor terrace house and intend to incorporate
traditional Kerala architecture.
Would you be able to help me?
Looking forward for an early and favourable reply.
Padmanabhan Nambiar.
My reply
House renovation is basically much more costly than building a new house.While building new house we can design everything fresh.With the old house built by some body else you don’t even know how the construction was done.As you start chipping and demolishing parts,you face new problems not anticipated earlier and this creates a situation where cost of renovation/remodeling cannot be properly guessed or calculated.
In some cases remodeling can change the entire house from the point of utility and appearance.Only area where you cannot do anything will be foundation level.In most cases foundation height in old houses will be quite low and nothing can be done to raise it to a desirable level.
First step required when you think of remodeling is to get your house to be remodeled examined by a good Architect.He will be able to tell you whether it is worth going for remodeling.I remember in many cases where the client thought that remodeling was a good option,I have found it to be a waste of money and efforts and advised client accordingly.In most cases it is sentimental attachment getting higher than reasoning and wise judgment