Reconstructing house at Alleppey district,staying at Delhi
Binu has left a new comment on your post "Building Permit":
Hi Mr. Thomas I have some land in Alleppey Dist., Kerala, It is in a Panchayat Area, 2 Cent is in my name and balance is in my mother name, that also i will get it registered in my name soon, so i wish to build a 3 BHK house at there. Right now I am staying in Delhi,I am not aware of any rules and regulations of Kerala. Can you please brief me about, what are the procedures i have to complete to build a house there? Total plot size is 20 Cent, Frontage is 43 feet, 4 meter wide Panchayat road also there at frontage. I had a house at that plot earlier.Now we have demolished that before 5 years. So please explain me what are the formalities i have to complete there?
My reply
If you have sent this message to my email id,I could have directly replied to you explaining how to go about building your house at Alleppey living in Delhi.My email id is
Comments posted to my blogs may take lot of time for me to notice and reply.Sometimes I will miss them for a long time or forever.So if you need quicker response,mail to me directly.
Before demolishing the existing house five years back if you have informed local authority office in writing about demolition of existing house and your intention to construct a new building,local authority would have treated construction of your house as reconstruction of existing house.In that case,you could have retained existing electrical and water connections.
Now that you have demolished existing house five years back,you have to apply fresh for obtaining building permit from local authority.If your local authority is an ordinary panchayath,you need not get prior permit for building construction.But that does not mean that you can construct house without following building rules.I cannot explain all building rules here.
Especially since you are in Delhi ,you will need services of professional oprganisation like ours who will design,supervise and construct your house in your absence.Such professional agencies will also take care of approval and other statutory formalities required for building construction.
Architectural services for Sri Lanka based Engineer
dear sir,
I am interesting about vasthu system in India...I have some clients...shall we join and do it..
need 3 d views---like your photos in 60 degrees angle.. views..ok,,tell me how to pay u..and so on..after paying u duration..can i get through all email.explain...
Civil engineer
My reply
We can provide architectural services on consultation basis to anywhere in the world through email and other internet facilities
Guidance for Architecture student
My name is Chaitanya Krishna Kumar and I am an architecture student from Manipal University Manipal. I'm currently doing research about traditional building techniques of Kerala. I came across your website for Kerala architecture. will it be possible for you to meet with me as I need info on the same.
i need info both on planning aspects such as vasthu and building construction techniques... Please let me know if you can help me out.
My reply
Please contact me on phone 9388701702 and fix up mutually convenient date and time for discussions
Side and Front Clearances
Akbar has left a new comment on your post "Building Permit":
I just started " padukam " work of our house but now it is stopped due to the problem of nearby road(panchayath).we have road on both in front n side.we left 11m in the frontage.towards the back as plot is getting reduced we were forced to leave only 1.7 from the road on the side.Is it essential to leave 3m from road?
My reply
Normally you will have to leave 3M ion the front side.1M and 1.2M on either side.If there is a road on side which reaches dead end at a distance not more than 75M,you will have to leave 2M on that side
Shaji Peter has left a new comment on your post "Building Permit":
My neighbour had constructed his outside staircase with my backside wall. Also he had constructed a toilet near
the wall with about 30 cm gap. These were there for about
15 years.I don't know whether they had taken consent from our parents at that time. Now they are constructing roofing and its poles are on the top of the toilet (about 70 cm from our wall) and covering the sides with metal sheets. Their plan is to rent the top area after completing metal roofing and covering all sides.
Is it allowable? What can I do?
Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Building Permit":
Hi, I am from Surat,
My issue is : I have a piece of land at Melila Panchayat, Kollam Dt. Next to my plot, one building construction is going on and he has constructed his Car Porch in such a way that the rain water from his slop roof will fall in my land. He has not maintained the minimum distance which he is supposed to. I have already approached the Panchayat and a civil court to stay his further construction till the panchayat takes corrective action. For legal advice please
My reply
Your neighbour can build external stair case in his clearance space between his building and your compound wall.But he cannot build on top of that external stair case without leaving any clearance space
You will have to give a written complaint to local authority to stop his illegal construction and to make him demolish illegal construction already done.Even if your parents have given verbal permission to him for such illegal construction,that has no validity before law and it does not absolve him of the illegal nature of construction.
Dilshad has left a new comment on your post "Building Permit":
Dear Sir,
i have owned 3 cents of land in panchayat area. kindly advise me what are the concessions i do get when i am planning to construct a home especially regarding clearances on each sides.
The frontage of the plot is only 5.5 M Long.
Three Sides of the plot is closed.On frontage, have panchayat road.
Dilshad Salam
My reply
For 3 cents and less than 3 cents plots there are allowed relaxations in clearance space to be left as per KBR.It will be better if you contact town planning dept. of concerned local authority office with Survey No of your plot to know exactly what relaxations in building rules will be applicable to you.
Three bed room house to be built in Kerala with Rs.10 lakhs
Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Free Consultation-8,August,2012":
Dear Sir,
I have a plot of 10 cents in Kerala.Can I build a 3bhk house for 10 lakhs.?I need to get the details of contractors who can build it.
SANJU has left a new comment on your post "Kerala Architecture and House Construction-Replies...":
I would like to know the cost of a four bedroom house in 7 cent
Midhun has left a new comment on your post "Free Consultation,20/7/2012":
My house is a single story house and I am also looking for typical Kerala renovation of adding one more floor. I would like to know/ see the most economical designs which I can refer to.
Any help on this appreciated
Thanks in Advance for your help
My reply
There are quite a lot of people who think that contractor for house construction should build house as per his requirements at cost decided by him.It has to be understood clearly that cost of construction goes up steadily every day in a country like India where govt is very fond of causing increase in cost of all commodities commonly used by people for existence while giving relaxations and freebees to large industrialists and rich.
House construction involves use of hundreds of materials for which there is always cost escalation and skilled labour for house construction is always in demand thereby pushing up cost of labour also.
No contractor can bring down cost of materials or labour unless he is capable of reducing material and labour inputs definitely not by cutting down his profit but by cutting down quality of construction.
If you involve an experienced professional for design,detailed drawings,occasional site inspection and to provide instructions to contractor and workers,he can reduce cost of your construction without compromising on quality of construction.But very few people are willing to go to or obtain professional assistance!
Cost of construction cannot be calculated using professional methods without site study by concerned professional and without finalising at least initial design for the house.All other cost projections are only guesses and guess cost do not mean anything.
Design and Construction of house outside Kerala
Joe has left a new comment on your post "Free Consultation-8,August,2012":
dear sir i am living in Tamilnadu to Kerala border Trivandrum high road can you CONSTRUCT home out side & border of Kerala
My reply
We have designed and built directly a 6000 sft house at Kothagiri near Ootty few years back.We have designed many houses for outside Kerala clients.Hence it is not impossible to design and build houses outside Kerala.But we will prefer to act as designers and consultants for outside state clients and for places far away from Cochin
Nalukettu house
Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Nalukettu type houses-Do we really need it?":
hi constructing a nalukettu house at Thrissur.can u please send me the various options and plans/drawings for the Nadumuttam on the first floor..prefer drawings with the sloping roofs on four sides....regards
My reply
Nalukettu houses were designed and constructed in earlier days to suit living style of those days.It has no relation with living style of present day.Nalukettu houses were used by Joint families with many members of a large extended family living together.Present day houses have nuclear families and it will be difficult for present day nuclear families to live in Nalukettu houses.
Basically Nalukettu houses have these essential features;
1.Central court yard usually a square area open to sky
2.Walking space around the central court yard on all four sides
3.Poomukham in the front side
4,Chuttu verandah around house connected to front side Poomukham with a seating arrangement called Charupady
5,Typically Nalukettu houses are single story
This type of construction will require lot of built space adding to cost of construction and calling for more space and plinth area for the house
Unless you are not bothered about cost of construction,cost of more land required for construction and still want a Nalukettu house,you should not go for Nalukettu type construction for your house.
We have a modified design adopted for our Cherthala house with Poomukham and Chuttu verandah for front side alone by removing Nadumuttom.Such adapted versions can reduce cost and still give elegance of earlier Kerala Architecture blended with modern architecture and technology.For your information,there are not only Nalukettu type construction but there are Ettu kettu,Pathinaru kettu construction by increasing no of Nadumuttom.
Tiled roof
Snehananda swamyhas left a new comment on your post "#Kerala House Construction-Replies to your queries...":
it is very interesting to see your interest in Kerala architectural heritage.
I want to discuss about do we have any tile roofing installation standards in Kerala.
Do you know anyone who can do the tile roofing as per the Australian or American methods like ply sheathing, under layments and so on..
I am a Professor in Delhi and fan of Kerala roofing.
My reply
I am not aware of these